
Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28 Update

Dear Family and Friends,

We have some news regarding Lori’s health and it is not good. Last month, we noticed there was a slight nipple retraction of her right breast. John ordered a mammogram and ultrasound a few days later and the result was normal. She saw the breast surgeon and no lumps were felt. However, because of the retraction, a breast MRI was ordered and it showed a suspicious mass. A subsequent needle biopsy was confirmed on Jan. 25th that she has Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer. We are shocked and saddened by this diagnosis. The best word to describe how we feel is that it’s “surreal”. It seems like this is happening to someone else, not us. We have had lots of tears and prayers together and have been lifted up by the few individuals that know. We know God has a plan in all of this, even if it’s hard to see right now. We are writing to you now, in faith, to ask for your support and prayers for what is coming.

The first request is that something was seen on her liver that looks like a benign cyst or hemangioma. We’ve been reassured that it does NOT look suspicious, but she is having a liver MRI on Wednesday to be sure. Please pray that it’s benign and that the cancer hasn’t spread beyond the breast.

We met with Dr. Hulvat the breast surgeon today and after discussion of various options, her treatment plan is going to initially be a skin sparing Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. If her lymph nodes are negative at the time of surgery and there is no evidence of spread, she shouldn’t need to have chemotherapy or radiation therapy. PLEASE pray that the nodes are negative and that the cancer has not spread. After that, she will go on Tamoxifen which will block further growth of any potential cancer cells that were missed.

We know that God has this situation under control and believe that He answers prayers. God has blessed us greatly and have really never found ourselves in a position to ask for help. We are asking you now to pray for us over the next few weeks. We need help and are trusting our friends and family to lift us up. We will keep you updated as best we can.

To God be the Glory,
John and Lori

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